STEM project "SPRING-Vysyvanka-2024"
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For the second year in a row, our lyceum is participating in a major educational project initiated by the Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education "STEM-spring-fest".
The project aims to introduce STEM technologies into the educational process, to involve students in scientific, engineering and research activities.
On April 22-26, 2024, teachers and high school students actively embodied the creative idea of the STEM week "Spring-Vysyvanka-2024". All projects are aimed at popularizing Ukrainian embroidery as an integral component of national identity, patriotism and self-expression.
The peculiarity of this year's STEM was that interesting creative projects were developed not only from mathematical and natural sciences, but also social and philological subjects.
While studying the topic "Geometric transformations" in geometry lessons, students of the 9-A grade made a successful attempt to encode their own names in Ukrainian embroidery patterns using a special program. The creation of the organizer "Indestructibility" in the form of regular polyhedra decorated with patriotic ornaments was the pinnacle of creativity of the youngest lyceum students. View.
Informatics teacher S. Afitsky together with the students of grade 9A created their own Google maps and Padlet multimedia boards. The young researchers gladly responded to the proposal of chemistry teacher N. Myroniuk and took part in the challenge "Magic or science. Magical transformations". View 1. View 2. 11A grade students under the guidance of biology teacher L. Slobodian used the example of a spring narcissus flower to study the effect of environmental pollution on plants.
A group of philology teachers under the leadership of O. Kolendzyan and lyceum girls of grades 9-10 modeled military uniforms for young girls with patriotic elements of Ukrainian embroidery. View. The teachers of English philology (Yu. Nagluuk and N. Slobodian) modeled the "Royal Hat" with the students of the 9A class, studying the fashion trends of Great Britain. View. An interesting innovative project "From embroideries to fashion revolutions: how the history of fashion and style of a Ukrainian woman reflected her search for independence" was prepared by students of the 10A class. This project was initiated by the history teacher L. Hrynyuk and the assistant of the Department of World History, the head of the educational laboratory "Didactics of History" of the Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko Iryna Pigovych.
The STEM week passed lively and informative, as a result of which all participants gained great experience and pleasure. Each one is awarded with certificates of the Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education of Ukraine.
This is how the motto of the Lyceum works: "Learn to win!"