Methodical committee of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects
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- Category: Methodical committee of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects
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"A teacher prepares for a good lesson all his life...
This is the spiritual and philosophical basis of our profession
and the technology of our work"
V. Sukhomlynskyi
The methodological committee of teachers of natural and mathematical disciplines is a creative team of like-minded people who have strong intellectual potential, teaching experience and a high level of professionalism. The activity of the MC of teachers of natural and mathematical disciplines is aimed at the implementation of the methodological problem: "Formation of a competent personality through the use of information and communication technologies and updating the content of education in the context of the provisions of the New Ukrainian School".
Teachers of the commission introduce into the educational process interactive learning methods that realize the interdependent and interdependent activities of the teacher and the learner, are aimed at obtaining theoretical and practical skills and ensure the solution of learning tasks. Every year, our students take an active part in various competitions, Olympiads, and research projects.
The work of MK teachers is aimed at performing the following tasks:
- improving the quality of teaching subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle through the introduction of ICT;
- organization of the effective work of military PC teachers, organization and introduction into practice of the work of distance education teachers;
- deepening the content of general education of students in individual subjects by organizing the work of electives, special courses (physics, mathematics);
- increasing the quality of students' knowledge of the basic subjects of the curriculum;
- increasing the level of extracurricular work in academic subjects;
- organization of students' research work;
- forming the personality of a competent patriot of Ukraine.