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On April 9, 2024, a scientific conference based on the results of the GDR in the 2023-2024 academic year was held at the Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko at the Faculty of History.

A student of the 11th grade took part in the work of the "History" section in the subsection of ancient, medieval and modern history with a report on the topic "The first coffee shop in Podillya: myths and reality" Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training of the Khmelnytsky region Artur Vishchak and his supervisor, history teacher Hryniuk Lesya Oleksandrivna.

Speech at scientific conferences contribute to the development of students' scientific and practical activities, help develop public speaking and communication skills, and are an important tool for personal and professional development.


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