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Educational event on preventing and countering domestic violence

May 21, 2024 practical psychologist, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Olga Prokopova of Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training in Khmelnytskyi region conducted an educational event in 9th grades on preventing and countering domestic violence. During the event, Olga Petrivna noted that the problem of domestic violence, despite the war in Ukraine, remains a widespread phenomenon, and the fight against it does not lose its relevance. Questions were discussed with lyceum students: types, participants, signs, manifestations of domestic violence.

A practical psychologist familiarized the staff with legislation in the field of combating domestic violence and its manifestations. The sequence of actions in the event of domestic violence or its threat is outlined, about special measures to combat domestic violence and the administrative and criminal liability provided for the offender, focusing on the main message of the event "Say "No" to domestic violence!"







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