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In 2005, with the aim of creating appropriate conditions for the realization of the creative potential of students inclined to scientific and research activities, the scientific society of students "Wings of Hope" was organized in the lyceum, the motto of which is: "In the future we take a step. "Wings of Hope" is the way to the stars!".
During the period of work of the scientific society (2005-2024), 154 works were submitted to the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific and research works by members of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 116 of which became prize-winners and winners (qualitative indicator 75%). 26 students received diplomas of the first degree, diplomas of the second and third degrees - 90 students. 27 students took part in the III stage, 12 of whom were awarded II and III degree diplomas.
Teachers of higher educational institutions of the city are involved in the management of scientific works. Scientists of Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University cooperate with us:
- DIDYK Nataliya Mykhailivna – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of psychology of education, psychology and social work, head of the section "Psychology";
- Mykhailo Vasyliovych BERKESHCHUK, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Physics, head of the sections "Astronomy and Astrophysics", "Experimental Physics", "Environmentally Safe Technologies and Resource Conservation";
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- Ivan Ivanovich BOROVETS, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World History, Head of the "World History" Section;
- GARBAR Vladyslav Vasyliovych, candidate of geographical sciences, senior teacher of geography and its teaching methods, head of the "Meteorology and Instrumentation" section;
- Inna Dmytrivna HRYGORCHUK, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Ecology, Head of the Ecology Section;
- Pochapska Oksana Ivanivna, candidate of sciences in social communications, associate professor of the Department of Journalism, head of the "Journalism" section.
Teachers of the lyceum successfully manage research work:
- Olha Stepanivna KOLENDZYAN, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, "methodist teacher", head of sections "Ukrainian literature", "Ukrainian language";
- KOLENDZYAN Nataliya Serhiyivna, teacher of art, Ukrainian studies, II category specialist, head of the "Art studies" section;
- Lesia Oleksandrivna HRYNYUK, teacher of history and civic education, specialist of the 1st category, head of the "Historical Regional Studies" section;
- VERSTIVSKA Iryna Igorivna, teacher of English, , specialist of the 1st category, head of the "English language" section;
- Inna Borysivna LYUBINSKA, geography teacher, "senior teacher", head of the "Geography and landscape studies" section;
- PORYTKO Oleksandr Petrovych, computer science teacher, "senior teacher", head of the sections "Programming technologies", "Security of information and telecommunication systems", "Electronics and instrumentation".
Regulatory and legal and organizational and methodological support 2023/2024:
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the holding of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific research works of students-members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the 2023/2024 academic year;
- Order of DON KHODA dated 11/17/2021 No. 515-od "On the holding of the I and II stages of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of research works of students-members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the 2023/2024 academic year »;
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 07.02.2024 No. 4/476-24 "On acceptance of research works and documentation for participation in the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition - protection of research works of student-members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine";
- Letter of HOCNTTUM dated 15.01.2024 No. 13 "On acceptance of research works and documentation".