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- Category: Powers of the elected body of the primary trade union organization
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Elective body of the primary trade union organization at the enterprise, institution, organization:
- concludes and monitors the implementation of the collective agreement, reports on its implementation at general meetings of the labor team, applies to the relevant authorities to prosecute officials for non-fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement;
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- together with the employer resolves the issue of introduction, review and changes of labor standards;
- together with the employer resolves the issue of employee remuneration, forms and systems of remuneration, rates, tariff grids, salary schemes, conditions of introduction and amounts of allowances, surcharges, bonuses, rewards and others incentive, compensatory payments;
- together with the employer, resolves the issue of working time and rest time, agrees on shift schedules and the granting of vacations, the introduction of summary accounting of working hours, gives permission for overtime work, work on weekends, etc.;
- together with the employer, resolves issues of social development of the enterprise, improvement of working conditions, material and household, medical care of employees;
- participates in solving socio-economic issues, defining and approving the list and procedure for providing employees with social benefits;
- participates in the development of internal labor regulations of an enterprise, institution or organization;
- represents the interests of employees on their behalf during consideration of individual labor disputes and in a collective labor dispute, contributes to its resolution;
- makes a decision to require the employer to terminate the employment contract (contract) with the head of the enterprise, institution, organization, if he violates the Law of Ukraine "On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity", labor legislation, evades participation in negotiations regarding the conclusion or amendment of a collective agreement, fails to fulfill obligations under the collective agreement, allows other violations of the legislation on collective agreements;
- gives consent or refuses to give consent to the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer with an employee who is a member of a trade union operating at an enterprise, institution and organization, in the cases provided for by law;
- participates in the investigation of accidents, occupational diseases and accidents, in the work of the occupational health and safety commission;
- executes public control over the employer's implementation of the legislation on labor and labor protection, on ensuring at the enterprise, in the institution, the organization of safe and harmless working conditions, industrial sanitation, the correct application of the established terms of payment work, requires elimination of identified deficiencies;
- executes control over the preparation and submission by the employer of the documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees and their family members;
- executes control over providing pensioners and persons with disabilities who before retirement worked at the enterprise, institution, organization, the right to use on an equal basis with its employees the available opportunities for medical care, provision housing, tickets to health and preventive facilities and other social services and benefits in accordance with the charter of the enterprise, institution, organization and collective agreement;
- represents the interests of insured persons in the social insurance commission, refers employees to sanatoriums, prophylactics and rest homes, tourist complexes, bases and health facilities under the conditions stipulated by the collective agreement or agreement, checks the state of organization of medical care for employees and their family members;
- determines together with the employer, in accordance with the collective agreement, the amount of funds that will be directed to the construction, reconstruction, maintenance of housing, keeps records of citizens who need improvement of housing conditions, distributes in accordance with the procedure established by law living space in houses built with the funds or with the participation of an enterprise, institution, organization, as well as living space provided to the employer at the disposal of other buildings, supervises housing and household services for employees;
- represents the interests of employees of the debtor enterprise during the bankruptcy procedure. Elected bodies of a trade union organization operating at an enterprise, institution, or organization also have other rights, provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.