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- Category: Military history club "Prometheus"
- 46Hits: %d
Lyceum students respect the preservation of the memory of the events of the Second World War and its veterans.
Today, lyceum graduates are fighting for the right of our state to be independent and sovereign.
For our students, graduates who gave their lives for the European future of Ukraine, their children and the entire Ukrainian people are an example of great heroism and selfless service to the Motherland.
All the work of the military-historical club "Prometheus" is nothing but a real manifestation, support and development of patriotic feelings in the hearts of our lyceum students - the future defenders of Ukraine!
Whoever has passed the school of our institution, he will never be indifferent to the fate of his native people, his Motherland, the memory of generations, because for us patriotism is not just a word with an explanation of it in essence, but true love for people, for our glorious history!