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- Category: Solemn oath of a lyceum student
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The solemn oath of a lyceum student
We, the children of Podilska land, the descendants of the famous heroes of Ukraine, entering the Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum, take a solemn oath. To be worthy of the glory of the Podil region,
Kl ia n e m o s !
To be faithful to the holy memory of those who died for the will of their native land,
Bless us!
Comprehensively and diligently prepare yourself for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
We swear!
Let the walls of the ancient fortress, the blue waters of the Dniester and Smotrych rivers, the eternal glory of the fighters for the independence of the Motherland be the witnesses of our oath.
We, the future defenders of the Ukrainian state, before our commanders, fathers , comrades, we solemnly promise to be faithful to this oath and never betray it.
I swear!
I swear!
I swear o s !