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- Category: Farewell to the lyceum flag
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Regulations on the order of farewell to the Flag of the Lyceum
- The day of taking the oath of the graduate and farewell to the flag of the Lyceum is a festive day for the entire team of the institution.
- The time and place of taking the oath of the graduate and farewell to the flag of the lyceum is established by a separate order of the head of the lyceum and announced to the entire staff of the institution.
- Close relatives of students of the institution, members of the teaching staff, as well as other guests are invited to take the oath of the graduate and bid farewell to the Flag of the Lyceum.
- At the appointed time, the personnel of the lyceum under the institution's flag and with the orchestra line up in a line of company (platoon) columns.
- The ritual of taking the graduate's oath and farewell to the Lyceum Flag begins with a speech by the head of the Lyceum. After that, the head of the lyceum gives the order to begin taking the oath of the graduate and farewell to the flag of the lyceum.
- 11th grade students leave the formation for their designated places. On behalf of the graduates, the text of the oath will be read by a lyceum student - the winner of the "Gift of the Year" competition in the "Lyceum Student of the Year" category.
- The orchestra performs the National Anthem of Ukraine.
- The deputy head of the lyceum for academic work proves the order on the results of the current academic year. Awarding of members of the teaching and student teams, representatives of the parent community.
- Educators of the graduating company, on the command of the head of the lyceum, present the lyceum students with a commemorative badge of the institution.
- Guests, parents of lyceum students and invited guests address the lyceum students with words of congratulations.
- The last bell is ringing for graduates of the institution.
- The ritual of taking the oath of the graduate and parting with the Flag of the Lyceum is consecrated by a representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
- The head of the lyceum announces a moment of silence as a tribute to the fallen soldiers for the independence of Ukraine, orders flowers to be placed on the graves of defenders who died for the integrity and sovereignty of the state.
- The orchestra performs the National Anthem of Ukraine.
- The staff of the lyceum marches in solemn procession. As part of the Lyceum, the institution's anthem "March of Lyceum Students" is performed.