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- Category: Methodical commission for pre-conscription training and physical culture
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The purpose of the activity of the methodological commission for pre-conscription training and physical culture is to educate and develop students comprehensively, preserve and strengthen their health, physical training, increase the motor activity of lyceum students during extracurricular hours, prevent hypodynamia in the younger generation.
The main priority directions in the work of the methodological commission were chosen:
- Promoting the harmonious development of students. The organization of the optimal movement regime necessary for preserving and strengthening health and achieving high work capacity and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities during the entire period of study;
- Formation of an active life position, education of moral and pain qualities in the preparation of lyceum students for service in the Armed Forces;
- Introduction of a healthy lifestyle into the everyday life of lyceum students, formation of students' skills and a persistent desire to independently engage in physical exercises, to cultivate the ability to use the acquired skills and abilities in everyday life;
- Preparation of students for the defense of Ukraine, professional orientation of youth, service in the Armed Forces and other military formations defined by current legislation.