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In the Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training in the Khmelnytsky region, the electronic journal "Novi Znannia" has been introduced to summarize and record the educational achievements of lyceum students.
"New Knowledge" is a Ukrainian platform with electronic diaries and journals with distance learning opportunities. It provides opportunities for creating lessons, setting grades and analyzing the performance of students, classes, and the school. Students and their parents have permanent access to the entire history of received grades and homework.
In order to effectively organize training, the Lyceum uses a personal learning environment "Google Workspace". This environment is used for both face-to-face and distance learning. The Lyceum always strives for innovation in education. Thanks to the implementation of modern technologies and educational platforms, the lyceum ensures the continuity and proper quality of education for lyceum students who, for objective reasons, cannot attend regular face-to-face lessons, or when lessons are forcibly interrupted due to relevant circumstances.
"Google Workspace" is a package of specialized cloud software and tools for collaborative work from Google, Distance learning is a set of information technologies and teaching methods that provide for the acquisition of education without the physical presence of learners in an educational institution. The difference between distance education and correspondence education is the use of a synchronous mode - in which students work together with the teaching staff of the institution live, using means and technical solutions of communication in real time, following the schedule of classes established by the educational institution. Legally, distance education is regulated by separate provisions of the Ministry of Education and Culture on distance learning for secondary educational institutions. The main features of distance learning are interactive interaction in the learning process with the allocation of time for independent learning of the material, consulting support in the learning process.